乐施小小毅行者 - 活动众筹平台 - 成为筹款者 - 捐款支持 - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Mini Trailwalker 2021_KV_W750xH590.jpg

Crowd Funding for


If you want to reward the boys' hard work, please help to make a donation to help those in need. Every penny counts. Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Raised: HKD$18,200

Target: HKD$50,000


Matthew (5.5yrs old) and Micah (3.5yrs old) have completed the 8K (勇敢行) mini trailwalker under a super hot day. They hiked from day till night, climbed up 3 mountains with those little legs. They moaned a little, but they carry on. They wanted to give up, but they persist. Mummy and daddy didn't carry them at all. They completed the trail all by themselves!!!!

Donation Record

From: Chan Eric 先生 ( Date: 2021-05-18 18:56:00 )

Well done kids!

From: Peter Pang 先生 ( Date: 2021-05-14 16:37:00 )

Well done boys!

From: 吳家祺先生 ( Date: 2021-05-11 16:24:00 )
