大洋洲 - 专题故事 - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Image of 瓦努阿圖的啟示

人道救援, 大洋洲2015年3月25日

文: 李國鵬圖: Amy Christian/OxfamAUS
星期六(3月14日)雖然不用上班,但當從新聞報道中知道瓦努阿圖發生嚴重風災,已知道接下來的一星期會有大量的工作需要處理,包括各種的新聞稿、籌款網頁和Facebook Post等等。

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Image of 'We have had to use all of our savings to buy food'

人道救援, 大洋洲2015年3月20日

Hygiene kits are distributed at Lycee Bouganville school which is acting as a temporary evacuation centre. Photo credit: Amy Christian/OxfamAUS

By Oxfam Communications Coordinator Amy Christian, in Vanuatu 
Yesterday I arrived in Vanuatu to join the Oxfam emergency response team as they respond to the aftermath of Cyclone Pam.As our plane descended into Port Vila, I caught glimpses of the islands that make up Vanuatu between perfectly formed clouds, which looked still, as if in a painting — the blue of the ocean a calm turquoise canvas beneath. The islands themselves looked ravaged, trees torn and broken and houses left without roofs or walls. I found myself imagining how different this view would have been just a week before, on the eve of the biggest cyclone to ever hit the Pacific.

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