樂施小小毅行者 - 活動眾籌平台 - 成為籌款者 - 捐款支持 - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Mini Trailwalker 2021_KV_W750xH590.jpg

Crowd Funding for


Nora (3yo) has completed her first 4km trail walk under the bright sun at 30+ Degree Celsius. She started whining and squatted on the ground after the first 20-minutes walk. We reminded Nora that the kids in the poor countries walked even further and in bare feet just to go to school, and that we’re doing this hike to help those suffering from poverty. Nora stopped whining and was able to complete the whole trail all by herself without daddy carrying her.

It’s not an easy task for the little girl who’s used to riding in a car and staying in AC. Daddy and mommy are super proud of Nora’s persistence and her determination to help those in need. This is a meaningful charity activity for the whole family especially to daddy who has joined Oxfam Trailwalker for 4 years before.




Raised: HKD$1,900

Target: HKD$1,000


Hope you can join Nora and make donations to help those in need.


Donation Record

From: Anonymous ( Date: 2021-05-28 20:07:00 )

Good Job Nora babe!

From: 陶琬琳 女士 ( Date: 2021-05-26 14:56:00 )

support ^0^