Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 - 40th Anniversary Edition (40km) Application Form - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 - 40th Anniversary Edition (40km) Application Form

‘Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 – 40th Anniversary Edition (40km)’


To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Oxfam Trailwalker, a spin-off event named “Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 - 40th Anniversary Edition (40km)” is newly launched to encourage participants to experience the challenging walk for the first time. The event will start at Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung and finish at Gilwell Campsite, Fei Ngo Shan.

If a team is allocated a slot for both 40km and 100km events, the team leader can only choose one event to register for.

[Remark: Application fee is not refundable]


More application details, please click here.


FAQ for Making Overseas Payments / Donations, please click here.

Team Leader's Details (Team Leader) [Team leader cannot be changed]
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
(On the event day, the organizer will require the participants to present their ID cards / passports for identification)
(Participant must aged 18 or above (on or above 15 November 2024))
Please provide a valid email address. Confirmation and donation e-receipt (if applicable) will be sent to this email
(Please note that the email you provided must not be the same as your team members)
Member Details (Member B)
(On the event day, the organizer will require the participants to present their ID cards / passports for identification)
(Participant must aged 18 or above (on or above 15 November 2024))
(Please note that the email you provided must not be the same as your team members)
Member Details (Member C)
(On the event day, the organizer will require the participants to present their ID cards / passports for identification)
(Participant must aged 18 or above (on or above 15 November 2024))
(Please note that the email you provided must not be the same as your team members)
Member Details (Member D)
(On the event day, the organizer will require the participants to present their ID cards / passports for identification)
(Participant must aged 18 or above (on or above 15 November 2024))
(Please note that the email you provided must not be the same as your team members)
Please choose a currency*

Total AmountHong Kong Dollar $0

Credit Card*

If donate/payment by UnionPay, can only choose to settle in Hong Kong dollars.


1.    Disclaimer / Indemnity
By submitting the application, you confirm that you wish to enter Oxfam Trailwalker .
(a)    You confirm and agree that you take part in this event entirely at your own risk and responsibility and that you will not hold Oxfam Hong Kong (the Organiser), any sponsor of this event or any organisation or person providing medical, catering, logistical, IT or other support or services for this event (or any director, employee, agent or contractor of any of the foregoing or any person otherwise associated with any of the foregoing) responsible for (i) death or any personal injury except where such death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of the Organiser or any of the foregoing persons; and (ii) any damage to or loss or destruction of property or any other economic loss or for any consequential loss, in any such case arising from any accident or mishap or otherwise arising from or connected with this event, including, if this happens, after you withdraw from Oxfam Trailwalker without finishing it, and whether during or after this event, in preparation for it, travelling to or from it or otherwise.
(b)    You agree that the Organiser has absolute discretion to change the format of Oxfam Trailwalker due to Government policies, inclement weather, natural disaster, infectious disease, unanticipated incidents related to public transportation or other reasons, and will accept any other changes made to the event. You also acknowledge that the Organiser reserves the right to cancel Oxfam Trailwalker at any time without prior notice.
(c)    You/your supporters hereby agree to refrain from any act or behaviour that is illegal, unlawful, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harmful or otherwise offensive throughout the course of the Oxfam Trailwalker (“Event”). This includes but is not limited to anything that may be considered or related to violence, hate speech, harassment, bullying, threats, politics, copyright or other intellectual property infringement, sexually explicit content and obscenity. You/your supporters also agree to refrain from committing or attempting to commit any act in violation of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”), including but not limited to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR. You/your supporters must obey all lawful instructions given by the staff members of the Organiser and the officials of the relevant authorities, such as the Hong Kong Police Force, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department. If , during the Event, any staff member of the Organiser or any official of the relevant authorities requires you to withdraw from the Event, or you/your supporters to leave the Event route immediately, you/your supporters must abide by such instruction. To the extent you/your supporters have or wish to have anything published on Oxfam Hong Kong (“OHK”) platforms or make any comments or statements (in writing, verbally or otherwise) before, during or after the Event, you/your supporters acknowledge and agree that OHK has absolute discretion to publish and to remove anything that appears on OHK’s platforms at any time and for any reason without prior notice.  You/your supporters acknowledge and agree that all views and opinions expressed by you/your supporters are those of yours/your supporters alone and do not necessarily reflect the position and views of OHK. OHK reserves the right to refuse entry or participation or otherwise discontinue your application status at the Event. 
(d)    You acknowledge and agree that you participate in the Event at your own risk and that OHK has no responsibility to you for any loss or liabilities you/your supporters may incur except for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of OHK and you/your supporters agree to indemnify and hold OHK harmless against any loss or liability (including any third party claims) that OHK may incur to the extent arising out of or in connection with your/your supporters’ acts or omissions.
2.    Undertaking to raise sponsorship
By submitting the application, you,
(a)    acknowledge that Oxfam Trailwalker is a fundraising event, that all teams (including those whose registration is confirmed but who do not participate in this event without giving written notice to the Organiser of this event before it starts) must raise the minimum amount required. You confirm and agree (for yourself and on behalf of your teammates) that your team will raise the minimum amount so required to be raised by you for Oxfam Hong Kong;
(b)    undertake that all funds raised directly or indirectly from your participation in Oxfam Trailwalker will be paid in full to Oxfam Hong Kong and that you will not seek to raise funds for other organisations through your participation in Oxfam Trailwalker; and
(c)    acknowledge that the Organiser reserves the right not to accept you and/or any of your teammates in all future Oxfam Trailwalker events if you fail to raise the minimum amount required.
3.    Granting Oxfam the Right to Use Your Image, Voice and Story from Oxfam Trailwalker 
By agreeing to the disclaimer, you confirm that you have read and understand the items below regarding the use of your image, voice and story.
(a)    Oxfam is an international organisation that works to end the injustice of poverty around the world. Oxfam is a confederation of 21 affiliated organisations.  We are Oxfam Hong Kong, part of this confederation. We may take your photo/film/interview and use this in our communications to support our work.
(b)    Your image (film or photographs), voice (video recording, sound clip or other formats) and/or story may be used to tell people about the work that Oxfam does and to help raise money so it can continue its work. It may be used by other Oxfam offices and confederation members around the world (https://www.oxfam.org/en/contact-us) and other organisations we work with. Your image, voice and/or story could appear on websites, in newspapers, on social media platforms, in a report or on the television and radio. However, Oxfam is not obliged to use your story.
(c)    Your image, voice and/or story could be seen or heard by anyone around the world (including in your own community and country).
(d)    If you wish, we can conceal your identity by hiding your face, not using your voice, not using your real name, or not revealing specific details of your story (e.g. dates, locations).
(e)    It is your right to decide not to be filmed/photographed/recorded or interviewed by Oxfam. There will be no disadvantages for you, your family, or your team should you choose not to. Reversely, you will not receive additional benefits as a result of sharing your story.
(f)    No new communication materials will be created from your image, voice and story after 5 years. However, published communications can continue in circulation and content may be stored by us and by our photographer in historical archives.
(g)    If you no longer want Oxfam or our partner organisations/vendors to use your image/story/sound clip, you can email us at otwinfo@oxfam.org.hk.  We will not make any further use of your image, voice and/or story .
(h)    If you think we do not respect your rights as described here, you can complain to us, or our local regulator.
  We cannot remove content that has already been published.  Especially parents/guardians should consider this, knowing that children may change their mind as adults and be unhappy about their real name being used.
4.    Participants' personal data
You agree that Oxfam is permitted to collect, store and use your personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) as provided by you on one or more forms (including electronic forms) for the purpose of or in connection with Oxfam Trailwalker (including but not limited to the organisation and promotion of and publicity for Oxfam Trailwalker) and that such collection, storage and use are lawful in these circumstances. You further agree that Oxfam may pass your personal data to its agents, successors, supporting organisations and other related parties for the purpose of or in connection with Oxfam Trailwalker and Oxfam’s work. You have the right to request access to and correction of information about you held by us. If you wish to do so, please write to Oxfam Hong Kong at the following address otwinfo@oxfam.org.hk.
5.    Participants' medical history
You confirm that you are medically and physically fit and capable of participating in Oxfam Trailwalker and have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practitioner.
Please provide the personal data marked with asterisks (*).  If you do not provide the information, we cannot process the form and communicate with you. 
The personal data collected will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used by Oxfam and its service providers for the purposes of donation administration, receipt issuance and related communications.
To connect closely with you and to keep you informed of Oxfam’s work against poverty as well as advocacy, development and fundraising progress, Oxfam and its service providers may use your contact information (name, telephone, email and address) for the purpose of communications, fundraising, volunteer recruitment and survey administration. Please indicate below if you agree to being contacted for these purposes. You may choose to stop receiving such information at any time; please inform us by post or email to info@oxfam.org.hk.
I do not wish to be contacted via the follow communication channels
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