Oxfam Hong Kong supports long-term development work in poor communities through projects that integrate many different initiatives to help people build up their capacity and skills to improve their own lives. These include community organizing, health and sanitation, infrastructure, training and income generation activities.
OXFAM in China
Oxfam Hong Kong has been working in China since 1987 – one of the first international NGOs to do so. We have launched thousands of projects across the country and assisted millions of people. Major programmes include rural livelihoods, urban livelihoods, gender equity, basic education, health projects, HIV-AIDS related projects and NGO development.
OXFAM and Education
Oxfam Hong Kong has supported education projects since 1976, the year we were founded. We assist communities to improve or build schools, train teachers and develop curricula suited for ethnic minorities, migrant children or other marginalised groups. We also support literacy and skills-building with adults and advocate basic education by urging government and international organisations to provide support for education around the world.
OXFAM in Africa
Oxfam Hong Kong started to work in Africa in the 1980s. Since 1990, we have supported over 300 projects in over 20 countries, such as on emergency relief, agricultural support, water supply, basic education, health care, AIDS prevention and more.
Smallholder Farmers Development
To give smallholder farmers the resources they need to improve their lives and escape poverty. We empower these farmers to gain greater market access, improve food production as well as their ability to prevent and handle disasters so that they can escape poverty in the long run.
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