All You Need to Know about CSR Report is a book compiled by SynTao and was published in June, 2015. This book is an important research achievement belongs to the series of studies named A Journey to Discover Values, which has been implemented by SynTao for eight consecutive years with the support of Oxfam Hong Kong.
This book provides readers with comprehensive knowledge about Corporate Social Responsibility Report. In particular, this book introduces concepts related to CSR report, outlines both international and domestic developing trends of CSR report, provides guidance on how to compiling reports as well as how to using reports from different perspectives. Therefore, this book aims at offering both elementary and advanced knowledge for a vast range of readers. Whether an expert who intends to gain more insightful thoughts, or merely an amateur who happens to take interests in CSR and sustainability issues, readers can enormously benefit from reading this book for its thorough analyses. This book is composed of four sections. Each section contains one different but related topic. Here is a brief introduction of the whole book.
Section One: Introduction of CSR Reports
This section introduces the rise of CSR issue, especially its background and its evolution path. Also, this part depicts the current situation of CSR reports by displaying substantive data and figures. Furthermore, a summary of related rules and policies in different countries and regions is offered for comparison and reference.
Section Two: Guidance of Writing CSR Reports
This part offers a concise introduction on guidelines and standard settings of CSR report, as well as report evaluation system and report assurance. By outlining core principles and generalizing the process of reporting, this part also offers practical suggestions on how to produce reports of high inherent value and of visual attraction.
Section Three: Using CSR Reports
This part focuses on how to maximize the contribution of CSR reports. For example, NGOs can also carry out campaigns according to information they have acquired from a report. Investors could find out environmental and social risks that a company is faced with by learning how to recognize key information in CSR reports.
Section Four: Advanced Theories about CSR Reports
This part discusses CSR issues in a wider spectrum. Specifically, this part explores Integrated Report (a combination of both financial report and sustainable report) theoretically and practically. Moreover, this part stresses the importance of Material and Quantitative Indicators in non-financial information disclosure, and the importance of transparency in winning trust in the long run.