Volunteer - Intern / Volunteer - Get Involved - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Volunteers are a valuable human resource to help strengthen Oxfam Hong Kong’s capacity to fight poverty and related injustice.

They help minimise our administration costs and in turn allow more resources to be allocated to our poverty alleviation work.

Oxfam considers volunteering as a process of personal development. By engaging in our volunteer services and activities, volunteers can have a deeper understanding of our poverty alleviation work.

For 2019-20, there were close to 4,000 volunteers and interns who contributed to Oxfam’s work. We appreciate this contribution of enthusiasm, time, energy and knowledge.

We welcome Hong Kong citizens who reach the age of 15 to be our registered volunteers. We aim to ensure that our volunteers are given the opportunity to realise their potential and that their contribution is recognised.

For enquiry, please contact Volunteer Coordination Team at 2520-2525 or by email to volunteer@oxfam.org.hk.  Thank you.


Service Opportunities

Volunteers can participate in various types of service, subject to their knowledge, interest and availability.

Volunteer Development

Volunteer development can take different forms, such as education, training and work involvement. Oxfam runs sharing sessions, talks, workshops and exposure trips for volunteers to learn more about poverty and our approach in tackling it.



Applicants will register as Oxfam Hong Kong volunteers upon first arrival for conducting volunteer work at our office. During the registration, we introduce the mission and vision of Oxfam, our scope of work, and the particulars of volunteer engagement, such as service opportunities, the recognition scheme, and volunteer rights and responsibilities.

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