Donation - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Lai See Donation 2025 (Hong Kong)

Donating your Lai See can improve children’s living conditions and create a better future! Sending hope and blessings with your Lai See!

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S'way with Us, Warm a Heart with Us

Music not only heals the soul, but also brings hope to those in need! S’way Music Studio is bringing us Christmas Show this month. The benefit concerts will feature renowned saxophonist, Timothy Sun, and his talented music students.

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Oxfam TowerRun 2024

THE OXFAM TOWERRUN, which takes place annually at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre – the tallest building in the city – is a fundraising sports event that Oxfam in Macau has organised since 2014. Participants will take up the challenge of running up 1,298 steps from the ground floor of the tower to the adventure deck on the 61st floor. Oxfam aims to raise funds through this event to support its poverty alleviation and humanitarian relief work worldwide.

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Oxfam Lai See 2024 (Hong Kong)

Support Oxfam Lai See Donation Campaign by donating a red packet to share the Lunar New Year blessings to people living in poor communities around the world.

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S'way with Us, Warm a Heart with Us

Music not only heals the soul, but also brings hope to those in need! S’way Music Studio is bringing us Christmas Show this month. The benefit concerts will feature renowned saxophonist, Timothy Sun, and his talented music students.

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Oxfam TowerRun 2023

THE OXFAM TOWERRUN, which takes place annually at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre – the tallest building in the city – is a fundraising sports event that Oxfam in Macau has organised since 2014. Participants will take up the challenge of running up 1,298 steps from the ground floor of the tower to the adventure deck on the 61st floor. Oxfam aims to raise funds through this event to support its poverty alleviation and humanitarian relief work worldwide.

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Oxfam Musical Marathon 2023

Oxfam Musical Marathon is Oxfam Hong Kong annual musical fundraising event, the theme of this year is ‘Compose a Humanitarian Movement’. Musicians and music lovers of all ages can showcase their talent and raise funds to support disaster-affected communities experiencing poverty around the world. Communities will not only learn how to prepare for disasters, but also how to bounce back better afterwards. Participants can gather strength from friends and family to accumulate more donations to help the poor communities in need, so they can build up their capacity and skills to improve their own lives and become self-reliant. These include community organizing, health and sanitation, infrastructure, training and income generation activities.

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Oxfam Trailwalker 2022 - VIRTUALLY TOGETHER

Thank you for always showing the Oxfam Trailwalker (OTW) your unfailing support despite how uncertain the past three years have been. In addition to actively preparing for the in-person "Oxfam Trailwalker 2022", we are also preparing for ‘Oxfam Trailwalker 2022 – VIRTUALLY TOGETHER’, which will be held from 26 November to 18 December. This year, we have three categories: ‘Tenacious Trailwalkers’, ‘Spirited Trailwalkers’ and ‘Hearty Trailwalkers’. These categories offer teams the choice of splitting the 100 km trail into two to four sections, and tackle them separately. These options also offer more flexibility and is a wonderful opportunity for those who have been too intimidated to join the 100 km walk. To join, simply register on or before 21 October.

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Oxfam Musical Marathon 2022 x Little Pianists

(Chinese Only) Little Pianists 一向的宗旨是學習音樂,同時亦都要分享音樂,而希望分享音樂的同時,亦都可以為慈善出一分力。Little Pianists今年選擇在8月21日,下午1:30至5:30,舉行一連4小時的facebook live ( 鋼琴馬拉松,分享音樂之餘,亦為樂施會進行籌款,支持「樂施音樂馬拉松2022」活動。 希望大家在欣賞Little Pianists 演奏的同時,令更多人關注香港的貧窮問題,一齊支持樂施會的扶貧工作。

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Oxfam Musical Marathon 2023 x Little Pianists

Little Pianists’ mission is learning music, and share music at the same time. Whilst sharing the music, we could also contribute and support to charity. This year, Little Pianists will hold a 4-hour Facebook Live ( Piano Marathon on 10 September, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, to share music to support the "Oxfam Music Marathon 2023" and raise funds for Oxfam Hong Kong While enjoying the Little Pianists' performance, we hope can raise awareness to the poverty issues in Hong Kong and support Oxfam Hong Kong's poverty alleviation work.

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Oxfam Lai See 2023 (Hong Kong)

Support Oxfam Lai See Donation Campaign by donating a red packet to share the Lunar New Year blessings to people living in poor communities around the world.

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Oxfam Musical Marathon 2022

(Chinese Only) 樂施會一年一度的音樂籌款活動「樂施音樂馬拉松」今年以《扶貧同樂,非同凡響》爲主題,特別提供實體和線上參與以供選擇,更推出全港首個綠色NFT Art Jamming 籌款元素!各位小小演奏家及音樂愛好者,可以盡情發揮音樂才華,演繹充滿正能量的樂曲,為受疫情影響的基層人士打氣,並籌款支援香港及世界各地的貧窮人士。

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Oxfam TowerRun 2022

THE OXFAM TOWERRUN, which takes place annually at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre – the tallest building in the city – is a fundraising sports event that Oxfam in Macau has organised since 2014. Participants will take up the challenge of running up 1,298 steps from the ground floor of the tower to the adventure deck on the 61st floor. Oxfam aims to raise funds through this event to support its poverty alleviation and humanitarian relief work worldwide.

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Oxfam Lai See 2022 (Hong Kong)

Support Oxfam Lai See Donation Campaign by donating a red packet to share the Lunar New Year blessings to people living in poor communities around the world.

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S’way With Us, Warm a Heart With Us

All four 'S’way With Us, Warm a Heart With Us' concerts have ended with a bang, and a total of HK$244,575 was raised! All proceeds go to Oxfam Hong Kong to support Give A Meal: Oxfam's Food Support Project for Low-Income Families. Thank you S’way and all your support! Through this project, Oxfam and its partners are distributing fresh meal kits to families with children that live in subdivided flats, and elderly people who live alone. These meal kits have been designed by nutritionists to meet recipients’ nutritional needs. Recipients also learn healthy cooking methods and how to eat smart on a budget. Through this project, women from low-income backgrounds also earn an income by packing the meal kits.

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Oxfam ColourME Artists’ Poverty-Busting Art

Poor communities have been suffering from climate change and the pandemic. In solidarity with them, Oxfam is calling on all artists to design gift cards based on several themes. Artists can then place their masterpiece on their crowdfunding page to raise awareness about poverty and funds to fight it.

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Oxfam Mini Trailwalker

樂施會舉辦首個親子行山扶貧活動「樂施小小毅行者」(Oxfam Mini Trailwalker),讓家長和孩子一起走進山野放放電,共同經歷、學習和解難,並培養孩子關心本地及國際貧窮議題。新冠肺炎疫情重挫全球經濟,近一成人口(即近7.5億)正面臨飢餓的狀態,亦有2.58億兒童因為貧困而失學,而本港的貧窮人口,亦突破149萬新高。樂施會希望家長和小朋友放下平日繁忙的課堂,走進山野放放電;透過行山及好玩有趣的任務,父母和孩子將共同經歷、學習和解難,認識本地及國際貧窮議題,建立同理心,並以行動實踐助人!

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Join one of these Oxfam events and become a fundraiser.  By using this crowdfunding platform to solicit support from family and friends, you can help raise funds to support poor communities in need.

Personalise your own fundraising page by adding great photos and appeals, then share it with family and friends through social media. You can monitor how much is raised and thank your supporters too.

If you have an idea for an event and want to create your own fundraising campaign, you can also go to the myOxfam section to get started.


Oxfam appreciates and utilises every dollar you and your supporters donate. Your generous contributions enable us to fight poverty and inequity worldwide. Oxfam works with people in poor communities and other partners to carry out humanitarian relief, disaster mitigation, community-based development and advocacy work on the local, national and international levels to ensure an effective and sustainable impact.


Let's join hands to fight poverty!

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