Donors - Get Involved - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Oxfam Hong Kong  envisions a world free of disaster, conflict, hunger and poverty, in which everyone enjoys a sense of security and well-being. We will continue to work toward this goal, with your help and support. Thank you for sharing our vision and helping to make it come true!


By becoming an Oxfam Partner, you can join our donor trips to project in MainlandChina, Hong Kong as well as other countries.  You will also be invited to our activities and you will receive Oxfam Express.  


Donor activities

By becoming an Oxfam Partner, you can join our donor trips to project in Mainland China, Hong Kong as well as other countries. 

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Oxfam Express

Find out what's inside our latest issues of Oxfam Express.  

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Donor Recruitment

Join us! By becoming an Oxfam Partner, you can be part of the solution against poverty. Your monthly donation helps poor people, and it also helps Oxfam better plan our projects and our budgets.

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Changes to my Monthly Donation

Changes to my Monthly Donation

For enquiries

Hong Kong                 MACAU                              

  (852) 3120 5000 

   0800 809

  (852) 6685 0500

   (852) 6685 0500

 [email protected]

   [email protected]

  (852) 2590 6880

  (852) 2875 7667