Crowdfunding for Events - Fundraise for Oxfam - Donation - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Crowd Funding for

BY Life Project

Sweat With Purpose⚡️

我們創建了 Sweat With Purpose 的原因是希望利用我們的力量去幫助有需要的人。用你的善意來感動他人,不要讓現實改變了你。你可能認為一個小小的善舉不會產生任何改變,但當我們都這樣做時,我們可能會感染更多的人做同樣的事情。一點光已能為黑暗中迷路的人引路,我們的善意會成為更明亮的光照耀大地,令人們的世界變得不再黑暗

We created Sweat With Purpose for one reason, use our power to help people in need. Use your kindness to inspire others, do not let hate change who you are. You might think one small kind gesture will not make any changes, but when we all do it, we might inspire more people to do the same thing. The world needs your light, and when we all shine together, our world will become a much better place.

Be The Light ⚡️


BY Life Project

Target: HKD$6,000


在9月18日及9月25日,我們將會在澳門觀光塔舉辦兩個工作坊,我們每個工作坊將會從基本開始,確保您有正確的跑步姿勢,探討熱身的重要性及示範不同的訓練模式讓你為“樂施競跑旅遊塔” 做足準備,亦希望可以借住工作坊傳遞我們對運動堅持的理念。我們每個工作坊將會收取入場費,所有收入將不扣除成本,全數捐給樂施會作慈善用途。

On September 18th and September 25th, we’ll be holding two runners workshop in Macau Tower, in the workshop we will start with the fundamentals, discuss the importance of warm-up, and demonstrates different types of training that will help you prepare for the “Oxfam Tower Run”, we also hope that we can use the workshop to bring out important messages regarding fitness to the community. Each event will have an admission fee, all the proceeds will go to Oxfam.

Life Project