1. Disclaimer/ Indemnity: I, the undersigned, wish to enter Oxfam TowerRun. I confirm that I am aged 18 or above on the event date and agree that I take part in this event entirely at my own risk and responsibility and that I will not hold the Organizer of this event, any sponsor of this event or any organization or person providing medical, catering, logistical, IT or other support or services for this event (or any director, employee, agent or contractor of any of the foregoing or any person otherwise associated with any of the foregoing) responsible for, to the extent permitted by law, death or any injury or any disease infection or for any damage to or loss or destruction of property or any other economic loss or for any consequential loss, in any such case arising from any accident or mishap or otherwise arising from or connected with this event, including, if this happens, after I withdraw from Oxfam TowerRun without finishing it, and whether during or after this event, in preparation for it, travelling to or from it or otherwise. I also agree to indemnify or reimburse the Organizer of this event in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Organizer of this event arising from or in connection with my participation in this event, to the extent permitted by law. I acknowledge that the Organizer reserves the right to cancel Oxfam TowerRun at any time without prior notice.
2. Disclaimer/ Indemnity: I hereby agree to refrain from any act or behaviour that is illegal, unlawful, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harmful or otherwise offensive throughout the course of the Oxfam TowerRun. This includes but is not limited to anything that may be considered or related to violence, hate speech, harassment, bullying, threats, politics, copyright or other intellectual property infringement, sexually explicit content and obscenity. To the extent I have or wish to have anything published on Oxfam Hong Kong (“OHK”) platforms or make any comments or statements (in writing, verbally or otherwise) before, during or after the Event, I acknowledge and agree that OHK has absolute discretion to publish and to remove anything that appears on OHK’s platforms at any time and for any reason without prior notice. I acknowledge and agree that all views and opinions expressed by me are those of mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the position and views of OHK. OHK reserves the right to refuse entry or participation or otherwise discontinue my application status at the Event. I acknowledge and agree that I participate in the Event at my own risk and that OHK has no responsibility to me for any loss or liabilities I may incur and I agree to indemnify and hold OHK harmless against any loss or liability (including any third party claims) that OHK may incur to the extent arising out of or in connection with my acts or omissions.
3. Undertaking to raise sponsorship: I, the undersigned, (a) acknowledge that Oxfam TowerRun is a fundraising event, that all teams (including those that withdraw without giving written notice to the Organizer / are absent / withdraw on the event day) must raise at least MOP/HKD5,000 or designated amount for Oxfam and I confirm and agree (for myself and on behalf of my teammates) that my team will raise the minimum amount so required to be raised by us for Oxfam; (b) undertake that all funds raised directly or indirectly from my participation in Oxfam TowerRun will be paid in full to Oxfam and that I will not seek to raise funds for other organizations through my participation in Oxfam TowerRun; (c) acknowledge that the Organizer reserves the right not to accept me and/or any of my teammates in all future Oxfam TowerRun events if we fail to raise the minimum amount required; (d) agree that the Organizer will not be liable to refund any donations paid by me and/or my teammates if the Oxfam TowerRun is cancelled due to force majeure or any reason arising from or in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic; (e) acknowledge that Oxfam reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to go virtual with the event or cancel this event; and (f) agree that once I or my teammates have completed the registration for this event, the donations paid by me and/or my teammates will not be refunded.
4. Agreement to grant rights in respect of image and voice: I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and agree that Oxfam may (without reference to, and without the prior approval of, or any payment to, any person) use, in any publicity material connected with Oxfam TowerRun (including but not limited to any of Oxfam’s websites) or in connection with any of Oxfam’s promotional or fundraising activities, any photograph, film, videotape, record or other reproduction of the image and/or voice of me, my teammates or members of my support team who take part in Oxfam TowerRun and its related activities.
5. Participants' Personal Data: The personal data collected will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used by Oxfam and its service providers for the purposes of this event, donation administration, receipt issuance and related communications. To connect closely with you and to keep you informed about Oxfam’s work against poverty as well as advocacy, development and fundraising progress, Oxfam and its service providers may use your contact information (name, telephone, email and address) for the purpose of communications, fundraising, volunteer recruitment and survey administration.
6. Participant health declaration: I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and agree that in order to prevent or minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection, Oxfam will implement special arrangements in accordance with relevant guidelines. To limit the total number of participants at this event, Oxfam will set a quota limit for the number of participants for each category, which will be filled on a first-reported-first-served basis. The pandemic prevention measures that Oxfam adopts are designed to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection, but may not completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection. Therefore, participants must assume responsibility for the risk of infection. Also, I declare that I am in good mental condition and in good health, and have the ability to cope with this activity, and that I have not been diagnosed by a medical practitioner to be physically fit to participate in this activity. I declare that the information provided on the participation form is indeed correct.