Continue to be a supporter of Oxfam Hong Kong, and a partner with poor people, beyond your own lifetime. Name Oxfam Hong Kong as a beneficiary in your will. Your legacy to Oxfam will help fight poverty for years to come, help create a better world, and help Oxfam enormously in our future planning.
- Donor's Testimonial -
Ms. TSANG, Oxfam's Legacy Giving Donor and Monthly Donor
"I hope to teach my children that while they have the ability to take care of themselves, they should also help those in need in the society... I strongly agree with Oxfam’s works on finding practical and innovative ways with people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. I wish to create a world without poverty through my tiny contributions, such as monthly donations and legacy giving. Even when I am no longer here, I hope Oxfam can carry on my intentions by distributing my giving to the poor people around the world. This allows me to join Oxfam in the fight against poverty."
- Legacy Giving Information -
Oxfam works with partner organisations and people from poor communities around the globe to find practical and innovative ways so they can lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We do this by implementing long-term development programmes in vulnerable communities, saving lives and rebuilding livelihoods when crisis strikes, and campaigning so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them. We invite you to be a part of this mission by giving a legacy to make real and positive change, so that we can all realise a world without poverty!
To promote hygiene, we have installed new handwashing stations in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, stepped up soap and detergent distributions, and provided information sessions on prevention measures.
In Hong Kong, Oxfam is distributing meal kits to low income families. We are also equipping them with basic knowledge on nutrition and healthy eating with dietitians. Part-time job opportunities for women from low-income backgrounds have also been created as they help prepare the meal kits.
We support the education of left-behind children in Mainland China through various initiatives, including the reconstruction of schools, provision of school social workers, and promotion of teacher and parent-child training.
We implement livelihoods improvement programmes such as beekeeping projects in Ethiopia and Nepal by providing tools like honey extractors, honey press, and gloves to women to increase their productivity and incomes.
You can include Oxfam Hong Kong in your will, donating a fixed sum of money, or all or part of your valuable items such as stocks, securities and properties to Oxfam Hong Kong.
The information below is provided for your reference should you decide to assign Oxfam Hong Kong as a beneficiary organisation in your will or life policy.
- Beneficiary Organisation and Address: Oxfam Hong Kong (17/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong)
- Certificate of Incorporation Number: 215859 / Business Registration Number: C0215859
Remarks: Please note that Oxfam should not be appointed as an executor of your will or trustee of your estate due to our legal status. We suggest that you discuss the selection and appointment of executors with your legal advisor.
Oxfam Hong Kong is collaborating with 'ForeverGift', a legacy giving platform, to promote legacy giving through will-making service. You could make a will with the help of the solicitors and are invited to include Oxfam Hong Kong in your will. Your gift can help us reach more vulnerable communities around the world, and make a real impact on the lives of generations to come. would assign a Hong Kong practising lawyer to write your will according to your wishes. When the will is ready, you would be able to meet the lawyer and have your will signed and witnessed at the lawyer’s office. It’s a simple and easy way to make a legally effective will.
To make your Will for free, please register through:
(i) This website:; or
(ii) WhatsApp: (852) 5468 3635 (ForeverGift)
For enquiries about the service, please call (852) 5468 3635 (ForeverGift).
You can name Oxfam Hong Kong as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, and donate all or part of the sum assured.
Easy way to extend your love through policy giving
Fill in the 'Request for change form'* to name Oxfam hong kong as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy and fax back / post to your insurance company
Confirm the 'request for change' form with your insurance company
fill in the reply form below to inform oxfam hong kong about your decision
The information below is provided for your reference should you decide to assign Oxfam Hong Kong as a beneficiary organisation in your will or life policy.
- Beneficiary Organisation and Address: Oxfam Hong Kong (17/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong)
- Certificate of Incorporation Number: 215859 / Business Registration Number: C0215859
Remarks: You can contact your own insurance agent or company for the ‘Request for Change’ Form. You will need to submit the required information upon request by the insurance company to join the Policy Donation Programme. Please visit for more details.