02 FEB 2023
Statement on Oxfam mobile application scam
Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK) has once again received reports about an app (namely 无穷世界APP) that was created in Oxfam’s name to defraud the public using our anti-poverty projects.
We at OHK find this absolutely unacceptable and hereby declare that we have not developed this or similar apps. All of OHK’s work is done in compliance with national laws, and we do not fundraise in the Mainland. OHK urges the public to remain vigilant against fraud.
If similar apps or fraudulent situations related to OHK are found, please notify OHK as soon as possible and report the case to the local authorities.
For enquiries, please contact us on (852) 2520 2525 (Hong Kong) / (86) 010-65535331 (mainland China).