Did you know that beekeeping and honey production are important economic activities in Ethiopia?
Act now to help many more women to feed their families, send their children to school, and build a future free from poverty!
$390 10 more women farmers will receive honey making tools including a honey extractor, honey pressor, and gloves to increase productivity. | $600 3 more women farmers will be able to join the self-help groups and receive training on literacy and numeracy, which will enable them to earn an even better income in the long run. | $780 2 more women farmers will receive training on using new hives, processing their honey and selling their produce through a cooperative. |
Beekeeping in Ethiopia
• Employs up to 2 million people
• Is largely a male-dominated occupation
• Generally relies on traditional hives which only produce small amounts of low quality honey
Women farmers in Ethiopia
• Play an active role in family-based agriculture; female-headed households make up 21 per cent of all households
• Often lack access to seeds and farming inputs, land, finance, market, technology and decision-making power
• Often lack access to platforms or opportunities to engage in family and community decision making
Your support can enable women farmers and marginalised smallholder producers to increase productivity by a staggering 300% through the development of an inclusive and sustainable honey value chain.
6,000 women in total will benefit from the project.
Act now to help many more women to feed their families, send their children to school, and build a future free from poverty!
- Help beekeepers to get hold of protective clothing, such as face masks and gloves.
- Build and equip a community workshop to make modern beehives for vulnerable families.
- Train beekeepers to use their new hives, process their honey and sell their produce through a cooperative.
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