Hong Kong Living Wage Charter Employer Application Form
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Hong Kong Living Wage Charter Employer Application Form

Living Wage

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  list of Living Wage

Form: become living wage employer

Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK) recognises employers who pay the Living Wage by awarding the Living Wage Employer Logo to recognise their commitment. The Logo can be used on applicants’ social media site, website, or other materials. Applications will be reviewed by OHK. Should you have any inquiries, please reach out to us via email ([email protected]).


Application Details
4. Type of Organisation*
5. Is your organisation headquartered in Hong Kong?*
6. Which sector does your organisation belong to?
7. Do you currently provide a Living Wage to all your directly employed staff in Hong Kong? *
8. How many staff do you directly employ in Hong Kong? *
9. Would you like to display your organisation name and logo on OHK's website and other external publications?*
Primary Contact
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Please provide a valid email address. Confirmation and donation e-receipt (if applicable) will be sent to this email
Please provide the personal data marked with asterisks (*).  If you do not provide the information, we cannot process the form and communicate with you. 
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