Donations are tax-deductible with official receipt.
To save administration cost, an official receipt will be issued for donations of $100 or above.
For enquiries, please contact Ms Ada Li at 3120 5224 or email to: [email protected]
To Support "Oxfam Rice 2022", please click below:
Please make a cheque payable to OXFAM HONG KONG and write "Oxfam Rice 2022 at the back.
Please send the cheque together with the "Oxfam Rice Event 2022 Donation Form"and address to Oxfam Hong Kong, 17/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Please make a direct deposit into Bank of China A/C:012-874-1-049363-3 or Hang Seng A/C : 284-401080-009
Please send the original bank-in slip or online payment acknowledgement slip with "Oxfam Rice Event 2022 Donation Form" and address to Oxfam Hong Kong, 17/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Please scan below QR code or click here, input donation amount and then mark “Oxfam Rice Event 2022”.
Please provide donation record screenshot and send together with "Oxfam Rice Event 2022 Donation Form" and WhatsApp to 5905 6968 or email to [email protected].
Please open your mobile banking app supporting Faster Payment System (FPS) and scan below QR code. Please provide donation record screenshot and send together with "Oxfam Rice Event 2022 Donation Form" and WhatsApp to 5905 6968 or email to [email protected].
For enquiries
Hong Kong | (852) 3120 5224 | [email protected] | (852) 2527 6213 |