You + Oxfam: Our Impact in 2021
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Oxfamily, Humanitarian, Development Programmes27 JAN 2022

You + Oxfam: Our Impact in 2021

Image of Oxfam Hong Kong

Oxfam Hong Kong


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Despite COVID-19 continuing through 2021 against the backdrop of extreme inequality and the climate crisis, we at Oxfam have continued to hold fast to our mission and respond to challenges that have come our way.

Thank you for continuing to fight poverty with Oxfam. Your support is enabling poor communities around the world to get on the path of resilience.

Fighting the climate crisis

In Hong Kong, we published two research reports about the impacts of extreme weather on street cleaners and those who live in subdivided flats, and urged the government to formulate pro-poor climate adaptation policies.

In the Mainland, farmers adapted to climate change using seeds that are more resistant to extreme weather, like drought. 

We also organised events in cooperation with Oxfam International to make the voices of those living in poverty and affected by the climate crisis heard.

Internationally, Oxfam International’s report revealed that the world's richest 1 per cent emit twice the amount of carbon emissions as the poorest 3.1 billion. 

Listening to Poverty

Rethink Poverty
We released a series of audio stories featuring singer-songwriter Terence Lam Ka Him and radio DJ Amber Au and other celebrities. Each story encourages the public to reflect on and look at poverty from a different angle.

We released Hong Kong’s first outdoor reality puzzle game, Westventure, to encourage the public to learn about hidden poverty.

Give A Meal: Oxfam's Food Support Project for Low-Income Families 
We expanded the scope of our project to support elderly people who live alone, so they can eat healthily on a budget.

Reaching out to the community
We distributed rice to street cleaners and families that live in subdivided flats as a way to cheer them on given the impact the pandemic has had on them.

Adapting to and fighting poverty in the ‘new normal’ 

Oxfam Trailwalker – Virtually Together was held for the first time this year. The virtual format offered participants more flexibility both in terms of time and distance.

We also launched our very first parent-child hiking fundraiser to fight poverty: Oxfam Mini Trailwalker. Families could choose from three family-friendly trails and do interesting tasks along the way all while supporting Oxfam's poverty alleviation work.

Our annual Oxfam Rice Event also underwent a transformation this year. Through it, we sold healthy roasted rice tea and a limited edition tote bag. Produced by women from low-income backgrounds.

Our work in mainland China and across the globe

Oxfam won the China Foundation Evaluation List’s Kumquat Award for the third time. Organisations were chosen directly by NGOs in the Mainland, so this truly affirms Oxfam’s work in the country.

In April 2021, India experienced its second deadly wave of COVID. Oxfam responded quickly and offered lifesaving essentials, like food, and livelihood support to those who were unemployed or underemployed. We also urged the Indian government to provide free vaccines for all.

In May, we reached out to people affected by the conflict between the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel with food, clean water and sanitation kits.

Learn more: Oxfam Hong Kong Annual Report 2020/21