Oxfam’s Picks
「樂施競跑旅遊塔」國際滅貧日前夕圓滿舉行 逾450位健兒支持 成功挑戰澳門頂點61層
The 11th Oxfam TowerRun Concluded with Over 400 Participants and Volunteers Local Trail Runner Vivi Cheung and International Runners Conquered the 61 Floors of Macau Tower to Raise Funds for China's Left-Behind Children
The 10th Oxfam TowerRun Successfully Held with Over 530 Participants Gathering the World Top Runners, Male and Female Full Tower Race Broke the Record Oxfam Ambassador Siu Fay Made a Special Appearance
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Oxfam TowerRun
企業與樂施會同行(Chi Only)
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「樂施競跑旅遊塔」圓滿舉行 超過500位健兒、越野跑手張盈與一眾藝人成功挑戰澳門頂點61層 (Chi Only)
第七屆澳門「樂施競跑旅遊塔」 越野跑手張盈、澳門演藝人協會代表聯同友邦保險呼籲公眾報名參與 抗疫跨越界限 跑出無窮正能量 (Chi Only)
「樂施競跑旅遊塔」今日舉行 逾370位健兒、港澳藝人成功挑戰澳門頂點61層
第六屆澳門「樂施競跑旅遊塔」 小肥、陳安立、林希靈聯同澳門友邦保險 最後呼籲 截止報名9月20日